“Playground” is a futuristic story about the wonders of the ocean, the possibilities of artificial intelligence, mankind’s insatiable desire to monetize nature and the barriers of race and poverty in interpersonal relations.  And more than all of that, Playground is a compelling, hard to put town novel!

Todd Keane is a technology genius and is

“Table for Two” is a wonderful collection of six short stories and one novella.  The short stories all take place, at least in part, in New York City and the novella, which is one of the most enjoyable things I have read in a long time, takes place in Los Angeles.

Each of the stories

The wren, the wren is a complex novel about family.  Nell, age 22,  is struggling with her career as a writer and social media influencer.  She is pondering the differences between people and the way they think  “We don’t see the same street  as the person walking beside us.  All we can do is tell

Let me just start this post by saying this is not the sort of novel I usually read. It is a feel good novel and some might say perhaps a little too tied together.  However, there is something special about this story and its characters and I am glad I read it.  You should read